Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of more than 100 related viruses, some of which can lead to various types of cancer in men and women. Though often associated with women due to the risk of cervical cancer, HPV infections also pose significant health risks for men. In this article, we will explore the topic of chronic HPV infection in men, its implications, prevention strategies, and treatment options.

Understanding HPV and Its Prevalence in Men

HPV is a sexually transmitted infection that can affect both males and females. It’s transmitted primarily through sexual contact, including vaginal, anal, and oral sex, and sometimes through close skin-to-skin contact. High-risk types of HPV can cause cancers of the anus, penis, and oropharynx (the middle part of the throat) in men. Low-risk types can cause genital warts.

Despite widespread HPV infection among men, chronic HPV infection is not as well understood due to the lack of routine screening like the Pap smear test for women. Nevertheless, studies suggest that men are at a similar risk for persistent HPV infection as women, but their ability to clear the virus may be lower, leading to increased chronic infections.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

In many cases, HPV infections do not cause any symptoms and can resolve spontaneously within a couple of years. However, persistent, chronic infections can lead to health complications like genital warts and cancers.

Genital warts usually appear as small, flat, or raised bumps in the genital area and can be single or multiple. They are typically not painful but can cause discomfort or itching.

Diagnosing HPV in men is challenging, as there’s no approved HPV test for men. Doctors usually diagnose HPV by visual inspection for the presence of warts. If a man has symptoms of anal cancer, a DRE (Digital Rectal Exam) or an anal Pap test might be conducted. If throat cancer is suspected, various tests, including biopsies, might be required.

HPV and Cancer in Men

High-risk HPV types can cause several types of cancer in men, with the most common ones being oropharyngeal cancer, penile cancer, and anal cancer. The risk is significantly higher in men with a weakened immune system, such as those living with HIV/AIDS or those who’ve had organ transplants.

Oropharyngeal Cancer

Oropharyngeal cancers primarily include cancer in the back of the throat, base of the tongue, and tonsils. In the United States, HPV is now the most common cause of oropharyngeal cancers, particularly in men.

Penile Cancer

While penile cancer is relatively rare, about 63% of penile cancers are linked to HPV, primarily HPV 16. The risk of penile cancer is higher in men with weakened immune systems and those with a history of genital warts or a history of many sexual partners.

Anal Cancer

The risk of anal cancer is over 17 times higher in men who have sex with men compared to those who don’t. Over 90% of anal cancers are caused by HPV, and the majority of these are caused by HPV 16.

Prevention and Vaccination

The primary way to prevent HPV is through vaccination. The HPV vaccine is safe, effective, and recommended for both boys and girls. It’s typically administered before individuals become sexually active, but it’s also recommended for adults up to the age of 45 who were not vaccinated when younger.

Regular condom use during sex can reduce the risk of HPV infection, although it does not eliminate it entirely, as HPV can infect areas not covered by a condom.


Currently, there is no cure for the virus itself. Treatment is targeted towards the health problems caused by HPV, such as warts and precancerous lesions. Treatments may include topical medications, surgical removal, or other therapies, depending on the nature of the complication.

In conclusion, chronic HPV infection in men is a significant public health issue, as it can lead to several types of cancer. Increased awareness, routine vaccination, and safe sexual practices are crucial strategies for preventing and managing HPV infection in men. If you or your loved ones have any concerns regarding HPV, consult with your healthcare provider to get accurate information and guidance.